General Description: For innumerable eons, Demons have roamed our world. The word “Demon” derives from the Greek word “δαίμων/daimōn” which denotes a spirit or divine power that can have a powerful evil or benevolent effect upon humans. In contemporary cultures/religions, the same word “Demon” is confined to its dark aspect as the true stigma of personified evil. According to myth and legend, Demons follow a strict hierarchy under Satan. Their power to possess living creatures makes them extremely dangerous and eventually harmful to humans that may become possessed, as well as those that are in their close proximity -loved ones, family, friends-. Next to the simple pleasure of causing havoc and creating chaos, Demons might have other, “advanced” goals which depend on their nature and hierarchical classification.
Strengths: Demon powers depend upon hierarchical levels. Low level demons can go as far as manipulating the vessel (possessed) and manifesting in terrifying, awesome forms. Their attacks are usually limited to verbal threats, lies, deceptions, entrapments, and revelations of secrets and painful truths. Higher level demons can realize the above threats having acquired the power of direct physical attack or the ability of telekinesis. These types of demons are very resistant to exorcism. At the highest level, demons are almost invincible. It is not unlikely for the exorcist to get injured by the creature and/or the vessel (possessed) to be physically and mentally debilitated. In some rare cases, deaths have been reported.
Weaknesses: Demons can only exist in our plane through vessels and even then they have to abandon most of their powers. Once in our world, demons feel a strong aversion to religious artifacts, places of worship and people of the cloth. Demons also lack patience; they are susceptible to vanity and are often blinded by wrath. These traits can provide great advantages to an expert. The only way to drive the demon out of the vessel (possessed) is through exorcism. The ritual of exorcism aims to extract the evil demon spirit and abolish it back to hell avoiding as much as possible irreparable harm to the vessel. Armed with patience, persistence, faith, conviction, and the right tools an exorcist can almost unfailingly drive the evil spirit back to the depths of hell.
Appearance: Since demons exist in our world through vessels (possessed humans), there is no way to identify a demon vs. a human from their appearance. Only behaviour can give out clues.
Frequency: Unknown! Frequency information depends on successful exorcism performances, however we have no official statistical data on this practice. Estimates through exorcists and participants brings the number of performed exorcisms to about 10,000 or even 15,000 annually. Since the numbers refer to identified, captured, and exorcised demons, there is no way of even approximating the numbers of demons that roam the earth.
Organization: Demons follow a strict hierarchy under their master, Satan. They are organized in legions ruled by legion lords. For example, Demons under Lord Beelzebub thrive in destruction, jealousy, and the spread of demon worship. Demons under Lord Baal or Berith seek to provoke murder and advance blasphemy. Demons under Lord Asmodeus provoke revenge, violence, and overwhelming lust.
Intelligence: Demons are highly intelligent. They are experts in detecting weakness and use this ability to corrupt, confuse and defeat their opponent. On the other hand, as mentioned previously, demons lack patience, are susceptible to vanity and they are often blinded by wrath - traits that counteract their intelligence.
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